pg电子下载物质滥用预防计划旨在减少与ATOD(酒精)相关的问题, 烟草 & other drugs) use and abuse at pg电子下载 State University. 它针对整个校园的大学生,提供基于证据和非基于证据的编程.


  • Affective Education Programs

  • Alternative Programs

  • Problem/Identification & 推荐

  • Community-based process (Community Development)

  • Environmental Programs

该计划的最终目的是阻止问题行为的发生, including ATOD use and abuse. ASAPP通过课堂设置向学生(大学和成人)提供外展服务, educational/informative programs, including classroom instruction, 健康博览会, seminars; distribution of literature on ATOD and decision-making skills.

药物 and Alcohol Abuse Prevention

预防药物滥用和过度饮酒可提高生活质量, academic performance and workplace productivity; reduces crime and criminal justice expenses; reduces motor vehicle crashes and fatalities; and lowers 卫生保健 costs for acute and chronic conditions. 过度饮酒包括酗酒(男性在单一场合喝五杯或更多), (女性在单一场合喝四杯或更多), underage drinking, drinking while pregnant, and alcohol impaired driving. 药物滥用包括任何不当使用药物(包括处方药和非处方药)和任何使用
非法药物. 酒精和其他药物的使用会妨碍判断力,导致有害的冒险行为.[1]


  • Premature death/fatal accidents

  • Injuries/accident rates

  • Absenteeism/extra sick leave

  • Loss of production

Additional problem areas can include:

  • Tardiness/sleeping at work or in class

  • 盗窃

  • Poor decision making

  • Loss of efficiency

  • 与同事/主管/老师或任务出现问题的可能性增加

  • Higher turnover/Withdrawal from the University

  • Disciplinary procedures

药物 & Alcohol 健康 Related Risks

从事危险饮酒的学生可能会经历昏厥(如.e., memory loss during periods of heavy drinking); fatal and nonfatal injuries, including falls, 溺水, and automobile crashes; illnesses; missed classes; unprotected sex that could lead to a sexually transmitted disease or an unwanted pregnancy; falling grades and academic failure; an arrest record; accidental death; and death by suicide. 除了, 酗酒的大学生可能会错过参加社交活动的机会, 运动, 文化活动也是大学生活的一部分. [2]

有酗酒和滥用药物问题的员工需要持续的健康支持. 这不仅会导致生产力的下降, 它还造成了与旷工有关的巨大成本, work-related accidents, 卫生保健, and a loss of trained personnel. 滥用药物和酒精会导致身体和情感上的依赖, which can make users develop cravings. 他们的身体可能会以不同的方式做出反应,从而对个人造成伤害. 酒精和毒品的消费,即使是适度的,也会导致身体和行为的变化. 它会干扰大脑的交流路线,并影响大脑的工作方式. These disruptions can alter mood and behavior, 使其难以清晰思考和协调行动. 药物 and alcohol abuse, over a long time or in excess on a single occasion, can cause problems including:

  • 心脏问题(心肌梗死、心肌病、心律失常)

  • 中风

  • High blood pressure

  • Respiratory Issues

  • 严重的焦虑 & 抑郁症

  • 死亡

[2] 大学里的高危饮酒:我们知道什么,我们需要学习什么

药物 & Alcohol Counseling and/or Treatment Resources

Marian Hill Chemical Dependency Center
1111 N. 临街道路

Vicksburg, MS 39180

电话(601) 883-3838
传真(601) 883-3838

Warren-Yazoo Mental 健康 服务
3444 Wisconsin Ave.
电话(601) 638-0031
传真(601) 638-4950

Port Gibson, MS 39150
电话(601) 437-8185
传真(601) 437-488

Southwest MS Mental 健康 Complex (Adams County)
200 South Wall St.1442号包厢
Natchez, MS 39120
电话(601) 446-6634
传真(601) 446-6898

Jefferson County Mental 健康 Complex
1555 N. 主圣.369号信箱
Fayette, MS 39069
电话(601) 786-8091
传真(601) 786-8023

Opioid and Fentanyl Abuse Prevention

鉴于阿片类药物滥用目前对我们国家的健康构成严重威胁, 我们鼓励您了解芬太尼和其他经常被滥用的合成阿片类药物的事实.

Fentanyl Facts for Braves:

  • 芬太尼是一种合成阿片类药物,其效力是吗啡的80-100倍, and 50 times stronger than heroin.
  • 可以以粉末形式使用,可以注射,烟熏或鼻吸. 它还可以与海洛因等其他非法药物混合使用, 冰毒, 可卡因, as well as in prescription pills.
  • 在美国,最近与芬太尼相关的伤害、过量使用和死亡的大多数病例.S. are linked to illegally made fentanyl. (疾病预防控制中心, 2022)使用者可能知道,也可能不知道,非法购买的药物可能含有芬太尼.
  • 2020年,超过5.6万人死于芬太尼等合成阿片类药物过量.

HELPFUL INFO ON Fentanyl and Opioid Abuse


  • 1-800-662 HELP(4357)或1-800-487-4889 (TDD,供听力受损人士使用)(全天候服务)
  • 877-993-2724(阿片类药物成瘾及滥用热线)(全天候服务)
